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Hidden Potential in Brownfields

Hidden Potential in Brownfields [eBook]

A tactical guide to evaluate, plan, and implement successful revitalization projects.

This eBook explores the immense potential and long-standing benefits of redeveloping and revitalizing brownfields through a concise and easy-to-understand guide. It’s packed full of tools and resources, proven tips for what to expect or avoid, and creative solutions to lead you toward a successful redevelopment project.

Brownfields eBook preview

About the Experts

Jennifer Force

Jennifer Force, PG (MN), is a senior project scientist with a diverse background in site assessment and cleanup. She assists clients with due diligence through Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Phase II ESAs, soil vapor investigations, cleanup plan development, and securing liability assurances and regulatory approvals. Over her 30-year career, Jennifer has secured over $23 million in investigation and cleanup grants from local, state, and federal programs.

Abby Reichling

Abby Reichling, PE (WI), is a senior environmental engineer with 10+ years of experience in brownfield redevelopment, regulatory compliance, and grant funding. She has an impressive track record of securing EPA grants and helping clients navigate site investigations, groundwater and soil remediation, and environmental regulatory compliance.

Nancy Dosdall

Nancy Dosdall, AICP, Leed Green Associate, is a senior planner and project manager with 35+ years of experience in land use planning and entitlement. Nancy is proficient in public engagement and finding common ground amongst stakeholders to develop community-supported plans.

Brea Grace

Brea Grace, AICP, NCI, is a certified urban and land use planner with almost 25 years of experience in both public and private sectors. She specializes in urban and waterfront redevelopment and is highly adept at public outreach, project financing, grant writing, and economic development. Brea is passionate about building better communities and leveraging funding sources to help communities achieve their project goals.