Water Resources
Future-friendly water systems.
At SEH, we find ways to improve water quality, water drainage and flood resiliency across a wide range of climates and topographies.
Our teams deliver solutions that get surface water where it needs to go. From innovative water quality improvements to master drainage, large-scale hydraulic structures and urban watercourse rehabilitation, we create the best way for water to flow. Our professional services include stormwater detention, infiltration and rain garden systems, wetland development and protection, open channel convergence systems and computerized stormwater systems studies.
We also provide comprehensive planning, analysis, design, permitting and construction assistance to balance the demands of your community while preserving the surrounding environment.
Related Services
- Dams and reservoirs
- Flood risk mitigation
- Hydrology and hydraulics
- Stormwater engineering
- Surface water
- Permitting and permit tracking
- Watercourse restoration
- Watershed engineering
- Wetland services
Our Work
Greeley Fire Stations: Modern Facilities for Public Safety
Remembering and Replacing the Apache City Road Bridge
Duluth Stormwater Management and Resiliency Plan
Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority
Enhancing Safety and Accessibility: Highway 87 in Frazee, MN
Rehabilitating County Road 1 in Sartell, Minnesota
Mann Valley Corporate Park: A Blueprint for Sustainable Development
Mammoth Springs: A Successful Brownfield Redevelopment
Securing Onalaska's Water Future Through Greens Coulee Reservoir
Flood Risk Mitigation
Climate resilience. Safer communities.
At SEH, we help communities undertake a variety of flood risk management and mitigation projects – from concept through construction and long-term support.
We help communities select the most appropriate flood mitigation measures in response to local conditions. These measures protect residents from catastrophic flooding events and preserve the ambience of the community.
After the evaluation and selection process, we design safe, attractive and functional flood management facilities: sustainable levees, floodwalls, pumping stations, bypass channels, reservoirs, and earthen and concrete dams.
Related Services
- Floodwalls and retaining walls
- Dams, levees and reservoirs
- Stormwater drainage and management
- Watercourse restoration
- Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling
- Inflow and infiltration (I&I) studies
- Value engineering
- Funding acquisition
Stormwater Engineering
Delivering multifaceted stormwater solutions.
At SEH, we help clients improve water quality while balancing complex stormwater needs.
Today’s stormwater management projects are more complex than ever. There is need to balance a multitude of requirements including water quantity, water quality, recreational and aesthetic values, and economic considerations. At SEH, we actively listen to our clients then design complete, multi-objective stormwater solutions to meet each of your objectives and requirements.
We are deeply familiar with NPDES Permit requirements, including the stormwater program for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) and Best Management Practices (BMP) design. We also design Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and perform construction inspections for environmental compliance.
Related Services
Watershed Engineering
Collaborating across disciplines.
At SEH, our integrated teams deliver creative watershed solutions.
SEH has been providing quality watershed planning and engineering for over 80 years. Our diverse experience includes stormwater ponds, dams and flood control work; small and large scale watershed analyses and complex conveyance analyses; innovative stormwater treatment; best management practices (BMPs); wetland assessments; mitigation design; and total maximum daily loads (TMDLs).
We believe the best solutions arise from true collaboration between your team and our experts in water resources, natural resources, GIS, urban design, landscape architecture, water and wastewater, civil engineering and sustainability. This integrated approach connects the dots for your projects, creating diverse perspectives and ultimately better outcomes.
Future Project Need? Contact Us!
To speak with a member of our team or learn more about our services, please fill out the contact form.