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EPA Brownfields Assessment Program in Duluth, Minnesota


The City of Duluth secured an EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant to encourage redevelopment in four areas of the City that are characterized by past industrial use: Lincoln Park, Downtown, Western St. Louis River Corridor and the Irving/Fairmount neighborhoods.  


The City hired SEH to conduct environmental due diligence reviews on a historic City-owned property and two local businesses, Ursa Minor and Oasis del Norte. The businesses planned to purchase the property to expand their operations.

Ursa Minor Brewing is a popular neighborhood brewhouse and eatery in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. As part of the due diligence review, SEH completed a Phase I and Phase II ESA and prepared a RAP and CCP to address the contamination that could be encountered during future improvements on the property. SEH also helped Ursa Minor Brewing receive a No Association Determination letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), which the brewery needed to meet its lender’s requirements to purchase the property.

Oasis del Norte is a taqueria food truck and caterer that plans to expand its operations. By purchasing a renovated building in Lincoln Park and relocating its kitchen to this dedicated space, they’ll be able to expand their food truck and catering businesses and open a small restaurant. SEH completed a Phase 1 ESA as part of its due diligence review.

The Duluth Armory in the East Hillside neighborhood is an iconic, City-owned building slated for renewal. SEH conducted a market study to evaluate its re-use options. This historic building was constructed in 1915 for National Guard military training, and across the decades it’s served as a cultural and entertainment hub, hosting famous artists like Louis Armstrong, Buddy Holly and Johnny Cash. But the building has since fallen into disrepair and has been saved from demolition. In December 2021, following publication of SEH’s market study, the City reached an agreement with a developer to renovate the Duluth Armory as an entertainment venue, food hall, community kitchen and artist studio. Construction is scheduled to start in late 2022.

Project Name
EPA Brownfields Assessment Program in Duluth, Minnesota

Duluth, Minnesota

City of Duluth


  • Environmental Consulting


  • Quality Assurance Project Plan to meet EPA requirements
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) following ASTM E-1527-13 and All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standards
  • Phase II ESA, including soil borings to assess soil, vapor and groundwater conditions
  • Efforts resulted in a No Association Determination letter from the pollution control agency to satisfy lender requirements
  • Response Action Plan (RAP) to implement preferred cleanup alternative
  • Construction Contingency Plan (CCP) to facilitate future construction and prevent delays
  • Market study to evaluate redevelopment options